Happy Birthday, Gerhard

February 15, 2022

Gerhard Richter just turned 90. When I last wrote about him in 2013, he had completed 3,531 paintings. He didn’t start his Birkenau paintings — considered to be some of his most powerful work — until 2014. According to his (still crazy, but amazingly dense) website, he has finished his career with 3,901 paintings. 

Over the years I’ve been lucky to experience much of his work in person: a retrospective at the MoMA, glass sculptures at the Beyeler Foundation, the stained glass window at the Cologne cathedral. Each one as powerful and  memorable as the next. 

It makes me sad to think that Richter’s 60+ year career has come to an end. I picture him sitting at his desk in his studio, too old and tired to wield the large squeegees, let alone pick up a brush, or even a pencil. I wonder if he is sad too. 


After the last stroke
on the last painting
Is softly complete

So tired, hands aching

Sets down his brush


to a paint splattered stool

and thinks back
on the life he made



I’m endlessly fascinated by artists that find ways to keep moving forward, navigating trends and styles and movements, and eventually making it to the “end” with their dignity intact and a sprawling, powerful body of work to leave behind for generations. And of this small, elite group that have crossed this rare finish line, Richter is tops in my book.

Happy Birthday Gerhard. Thank you for all the presents. ; )